Taking a look at verse 3, we find the three names of President-elect Obama converging.  The "S" of his middle name "Hussein" coincides with the "S" in Messiah.  Neither word actually has a double S in the Hebrew form.

This chapter relates the lament of Samuel for having agreed to anoint such an unqualified man to be king.  The people wanted him because he was handsome and strong.  He "looked like" a king "like the other nations" had.  He was an excellent "type" for the "antichrist, " as the green text in the second line above states in "plain text."  It literally says "before his anointed" with the preposition that can also mean "up against" or simply "against."

Obama's three names are marked in green circles.  The grid contains mounds of information, some of it tucked away in this one verse.  If I get any feedback, I will be sharing what I have found in this grid.  I first found this grid over ten years ago, at which time the name of Obama was not known.  At the time I searched for names like Sadam Hussein and George H.W. Bush, and places like Iraq.  These are all there.  But now, so is Obama.

Stay tuned.